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Produkt zum Begriff Strategy:

  • Agile Strategy
    Agile Strategy

    Agile Strategy is a practical guide for managers responsible for setting the strategic direction of their organisations in increasingly dynamic markets. Through its frameworks, tools and real-world examples, it explains how to transform business performance through greater organisational agility.   LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Why do we need a new book on strategy?The pace of change is increasing, and strategic management is not keeping up. More than one in four (28%) strategic initiatives fail to meet their original goals and business intent[1], with insufficient agility identified as one of the top three barriers to successful strategy implementation[2].The square peg of traditional strategy — vision, mission and blue-sky exercises; the separation of strategy from “implementation” — no longer fits the round hole of increasingly dynamic markets. It is time for a new approach.How is Agile Strategy different?Agile Strategy distinguishes itself from other strategy and agile books currently available in that it is: Designed for large organisations: Much of the writing on agile techniques addresses start-ups or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which operate under very different constraints and freedoms. Agile Strategy is written for large organisations who want to be more agile. Commercially-led: The approach is not a lightly airbrushed business rewrite of agile software development practices, but rather a fundamental rethinking of commercial and operational business practices. Practical: It is anchored in innovative and robust concepts but designed as a practical “how-to” guide: a book for practitioners, written by a practitioner. Results-focused: Whilst addressing a broad range of organisational topics, the book is grounded in the definition and delivery of measurable business benefits.Why should I read it?Agile Strategy offers four key benefits to its readers:  A clear framework ("RADAR") A single, easy-to-grasp guiding principle: The Horizon Measurable benefits A practical approachI hope you not only enjoy reading about this innovative new approach, but also go on to realise the full potential of your organisation by implementing it. Good luck!Ralph Fernando[1] Project Management Institute (2017) Pulse of the Profession[2] The Economist Intelligence Unit (2017) Closing the Gap: Designing and Delivering a Strategy that Works"

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Strategy Safari
    Strategy Safari

    “Henry Mintzberg’s views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys.” The Observer “My favourite management book of the last 25 years? No contest. The Rise & Fall of Strategic Planning.” Tom Peters, managment guruStrategy is the most prestigious but also the most confusing part of business. Managers are constantly bombarded with new jargon and the latest fads promising the magic bullet for every strategic problem. The world of strategy can seem to be an impenetrable jungle. Strategy Safari presents a powerful antidote to the dilemma of needing to know about strategy and yet not being able to find any comprehensible guidelines. This revised edition is a comprehensive, colourful and illuminating tour through the wilds of strategic management.In this provocative, jargon-free and extremely readable guide, top strategy authors Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & Lampel clearly set out and critique each of the ten major schools of strategic management thinking to help you grasp what you really need to know.Take the strategy safari – your business will thank you for it.

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Exploring Strategy
    Exploring Strategy

    Develop your strategic thinking, tackle real-world challenges and develop the skills to think and behave like a manager.With over a million copies sold worldwide, Exploring Strategy by Whittington, Angwin, Regnér, Johnson, and Scholes is the essential introduction to strategy for managers of today and tomorrow, tackling the hottest and most up-to-date issues regarding the operation of organisations.The latest 13th edition is renewed and revised according to the latest developments in the field, continuing the exploration surrounding the big questions about organisations:How does an organisation prosper today?How do organisations grow?How do they innovate and change?From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals and charities to government agencies, this industry-leading text includes extensive case studies and features to help you get a deeper understanding of the concepts and topics from theory to practice.New to this edition:Think strategically and carry out case analyses and strategy assignments with the new chapter, 'Working with Strategy'Gain better insight into the three highlighted core themes: sustainability, non-profits, and digital strategyLearn from case studies of well-known global organisations, including Alibaba, Airbnb, Amazon, Alphabet, IKEA, and Uber.

    Preis: 80.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Operations Strategy
    Operations Strategy

    Operations Strategy, 6th Edition, by Slack and Lewis, builds on concepts from strategic management, operations management, marketing and HRM. The text encourages a thorough understanding of operations strategy, exploring key activities, decisions and processes adopted by a broad range of organisations in different sectors, making it the ideal text for MBA students, upper-level undergraduates, postgraduates and executives. Operations strategy is fundamental to the success of any organisation and a major source of competitive advantage. The way an organisation manages their operations strategically can have a huge impact on its prospects whether large or small, for-profit or not-for-profit, in the services or manufacturing sector, international or local. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Halloween-Kostüme sind für Jugendliche geeignet?

    Für Jugendliche sind viele verschiedene Halloween-Kostüme geeignet, je nach persönlichem Geschmack und Vorlieben. Beliebte Optionen sind zum Beispiel Zombie, Hexe, Vampir, Superheld oder Filmcharakter. Es ist wichtig, dass das Kostüm altersgerecht ist und den individuellen Stil und die Persönlichkeit des Jugendlichen widerspiegelt.

  • Was sind einige beliebte Verkleidungsaccessoires für Halloween-Kostüme?

    Einige beliebte Verkleidungsaccessoires für Halloween-Kostüme sind Hexenhüte, Vampirzähne und Teufelshörner. Masken, Perücken und falsches Blut sind ebenfalls beliebte Accessoires. Andere Optionen sind Zauberstäbe, Flügel, Schwerter und Schminke.

  • Was sind einige kreative DIY-Ideen für Halloween-Kostüme?

    Ein selbstgemachtes Kostüm könnte ein Zombie mit zerrissener Kleidung und künstlichem Blut sein. Oder man könnte sich als Geist verkleiden, indem man ein altes Bettlaken mit Löchern für die Augen verwendet. Eine weitere Idee ist ein Kostüm aus Karton, wie zum Beispiel ein Roboter oder ein Kürbis.

  • Welche Verkleidungshaube eignet sich am besten für Halloween-Kostüme?

    Eine schwarze Stoffhaube mit Augen- und Mundöffnungen ist vielseitig einsetzbar und passt zu vielen Kostümen. Eine Kapuzenhaube mit spitzen Ohren eignet sich gut für Hexen- oder Zauberer-Kostüme. Eine glänzende oder funkelnde Haube kann für Vampir- oder Geisterkostüme verwendet werden.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Strategy:

  • Triangle Strategy
    Triangle Strategy

    Drei Nationen kämpfen um die Kontrolle über die schwindenden Eisen- und Salzressourcen Triff Entscheidungen und baue deine eigene Gesinnung auf – in TRIANGLE STRATEGY, einem Taktik-Rollenspiel von Square Enix für Nintendo Switch. Wohin wird dich dein Sinn für Gerechtigkeit in dieser wunderschönen Erzählung in HD-2D wohl führen? Übernimm das Kommando über eine Gruppe von Kämpfern als Serenoa, Erbe von Haus Wolffort, und erlebe eine vielschichtige Handlung, deren Verlauf du mit deinen Entscheidungen bestimmst. Indem du wichtige Entscheidungen triffst, stärkst du eine von drei Gesinnungen – Nutzdenken, Moral und Freiheit – aus denen sich Serenoas Weltanschauung zusammensetzt. Besonders gewichtige Entscheidungen werden von mehreren Charakteren mithilfe der Waage des Urteils getroffen. In diesen Momenten entscheiden dein Urteil und deine Verbündeten über das Schicksal ganzer Nationen und sogar das des Kontinents Norzelia. Plane deine Kampfstrategien auf unterschiedlich hohem Gelände In den rundenbasierten Kämpfen kann der richtige Angriffsort über Sieg oder Niederlage entscheiden. Positioniere Einheiten auf höher gelegenem Terrain, um dir eine höhere Angriffsreichweite und damit einen entscheidenden Vorteil zu sichern. Flankiere Gegner von zwei Seiten und greife dann mit einem kraftvollen Folgeangriff von hinten an. Auch elementare Kettenangriffe sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Kampfs. So kannst du mithilfe von Feuer eine Eisfläche zum Schmelzen bringen und sie dann mit einem Blitz unter Strom setzen. Schiebe deinen Gegner dann ins elektrisierte Wasser! Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch

    Preis: 44.99 € | Versand*: 3.95 €
  • Fundamentals of Strategy
    Fundamentals of Strategy

    Understand and apply the essential concepts and techniques of strategy with a text coming from the leading team in the field. Fundamentals of Strategy, 5th edition, by Whittington, Regnér, Angwin, Johnson, and Scholes is an easy-to-follow guide to the fundamental issues and techniques of strategy from the author team of the market-leading text Exploring Strategy. This textbook is ideal for students who study strategy analysis-related courses, or strategy as part of a wider degree in areas, such as science or engineering. The latest edition is updated to reflect the impact of the Covid-19 crisis and provides insights and examples from a broad range of international organisations. The text has nine chapters and can be studied in connection with the twelfth edition of Exploring Strategy, offering an in-depth analysis of some of the core terms and theories developed in the latter, such as the 'strategic position' and 'strategic choices'-facing organisations. The topics include, among others, analysis on a macro-environmental and industry level, capability, and culture, as well as a discussion of business-level strategies, business models, international strategies, strategic entrepreneurship, and innovation. The final chapter, 'Strategy in Action', raises fundamental issues on the structure of organisations, managerial systems, and strategic change. With useful features, including a wide range of illustrations to complement the reader-friendly content, end-of-chapter case studies, and a companion website to consolidate your understanding, this must-have textbook demonstrates how the strategic theories of today apply in real-life scenarios.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Strategy Safari
    Strategy Safari

    “Henry Mintzberg’s views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys.” The Observer “My favourite management book of the last 25 years? No contest. The Rise & Fall of Strategic Planning.” Tom Peters, managment guruStrategy is the most prestigious but also the most confusing part of business. Managers are constantly bombarded with new jargon and the latest fads promising the magic bullet for every strategic problem. The world of strategy can seem to be an impenetrable jungle. Strategy Safari presents a powerful antidote to the dilemma of needing to know about strategy and yet not being able to find any comprehensible guidelines. This revised edition is a comprehensive, colourful and illuminating tour through the wilds of strategic management.In this provocative, jargon-free and extremely readable guide, top strategy authors Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & Lampel clearly set out and critique each of the ten major schools of strategic management thinking to help you grasp what you really need to know.Take the strategy safari – your business will thank you for it.

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Agile Strategy
    Agile Strategy

    Agile Strategy is a practical guide for managers responsible for setting the strategic direction of their organisations in increasingly dynamic markets. Through its frameworks, tools and real-world examples, it explains how to transform business performance through greater organisational agility. Why do we need a new book on strategy? The pace of change is increasing, and strategic management is not keeping up. More than one in four (28%) strategic initiatives fail to meet their original goals and business intent[1], with insufficient agility identified as one of the top three barriers to successful strategy implementation[2]. The square peg of traditional strategy — vision, mission and blue-sky exercises; the separation of strategy from “implementation” — no longer fits the round hole of increasingly dynamic markets. It is time for a new approach. How is Agile Strategy different? Agile Strategy distinguishes itself from other strategy and agile books currently available in that it is: Designed for large organisations: Much of the writing on agile techniques addresses start-ups or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which operate under very different constraints and freedoms. Agile Strategy is written for large organisations who want to be more agile. Commercially-led: The approach is not a lightly airbrushed business rewrite of agile software development practices, but rather a fundamental rethinking of commercial and operational business practices. Practical: It is anchored in innovative and robust concepts but designed as a practical “how-to” guide: a book for practitioners, written by a practitioner. Results-focused: Whilst addressing a broad range of organisational topics, the book is grounded in the definition and delivery of measurable business benefits. Why should I read it? Agile Strategy offers four key benefits to its readers: A clear framework ("RADAR") A single, easy-to-grasp guiding principle: The Horizon Measurable benefits A practical approach The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die beliebtesten Kostüme für Halloween-Partys in diesem Jahr?

    Die beliebtesten Kostüme für Halloween-Partys in diesem Jahr sind Hexen, Zombies und Superhelden. Viele Menschen entscheiden sich auch für klassische Kostüme wie Vampire oder Geister. Tierkostüme, insbesondere Katzen und Füchse, sind ebenfalls sehr beliebt.

  • Wie befreien sich die Geister von dem Haus in American Horror Story?

    In der Serie "American Horror Story" gibt es verschiedene Staffeln und Handlungsstränge, daher kann es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten geben, wie sich die Geister von einem Haus befreien. In einigen Staffeln können die Geister erst dann gehen, wenn sie ihre persönlichen Konflikte oder unerledigten Aufgaben gelöst haben. In anderen Staffeln kann es sein, dass das Haus zerstört werden muss, um die Geister freizulassen. Es gibt also keine einheitliche Antwort auf diese Frage.

  • "Was sind einige kreative Ideen für selbstgemachte Kostüme für Halloween oder Mottopartys?"

    Ein DIY-Kostüm könnte ein Zombie mit zerrissenen Kleidern und gruseligem Make-up sein. Oder ein Einhorn mit einem selbstgemachten Horn und bunten Kleidern. Oder ein Superheld mit einem selbstgemalten Logo auf einem einfachen T-Shirt.

  • "Was sind einige kreative Ideen für selbstgemachte Kostüme für Halloween oder andere Veranstaltungen?"

    Einige kreative Ideen für selbstgemachte Kostüme könnten sein: ein Zombie-Bankier, ein Einhorn-Pirat oder ein Roboter-Prinzessin. Du könntest auch ein DIY-Kostüm aus deinem Lieblingsfilm oder Buch erstellen, wie zum Beispiel Harry Potter oder Star Wars. Oder du könntest ein Gruppenkostüm mit Freunden machen, wie die Ghostbusters oder die Addams Family.

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